Windsurfing kursy dla dzieci

Windsurfing course for children

(5 to 15 years old)

Course for children

5 hours
from PLN 399,00

Windsurfing course for children
(5 to 15 years old)

We offer 5, 10 and, 15 hours windsurfing courses for children from 5 to 15 years old. Our small and lightweight sails, suitable boards and warm wetsuits allow even the youngest to surf while having fun. Our instructors have pedagogical preparation and many years of experience working with children. It is essential for the effectiveness and safety of learning. We like teaching children, we are extremely pleased with their quick results and the continuous joy of surfing :)

We have developed a special training program for children to ensure safety during the course. At the end of the course, a child will receive a surfer badge and “Young Windsurfer Diploma“:)

During the course we provide:

  • individual care of a licensed and experienced instructor throughout the course
  • windsurfing equipment
  • lifejacket
  • Dakine trapeze
  • the shallow and uncrowded training area
  • A “Young windsurfer” diploma
  • Fun and safe time!
Booking online you will receive a wetsuit for the duration of the course FREE OF CHARGE!

(we have all sizes of wetsuits – even for children with a height of 106 cm!)


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Price list and booking

In May, June and September all prices -15%!

5-hour course

  • includes 5 hours of one-to-one lessons with an instructor
High season

Low season – 15% off
(27.04-21.06 i 1.09-30.09)

By booking online you will receive the wetsuit for the course FREE OF CHARGE!

10-hour course

  • includes 10 hours of one-to-one lessons with an instructor
High season

Low season – 15% off
(27.04-21.06 i 1.09-30.09)

By booking online you will receive the wetsuit for the course FREE OF CHARGE!

Additional information

  • If your child has already had contact with windsurfing, you can continue learning by choosing any course. Of course, we will start from the level at which it is currently:)
  • Each course can be spread over any number of days. The dates and duration of the classes are set together according to the student’s preferences:) (or his parents;)
  • If you must resign from a lesson, we will postpone it to another day/time.
  • If you wish to complete the course at another date, you will receive from us a voucher valid indefinitely.


We teach toddlers from the age of 5:) We have special lightweight equipment designed for children, thanks to which learning is easy and pleasant for them – nothing but surfing!:)
Relax, the course fee includes everything you need to learn :)
We provide a complete windsurfing kit from the best manufacturers, wetsuit (i.e. a special outfit for windsurfing, which helps to maintain thermal comfort) and a lifejacket.
Practically yes, about 90% of the days in season on the peninsula blows from 1 to 4 Beaufort, which is ideal for learning. We run lessons every day. There are sometimes days when the wind is too strong for the little ones. However, it is often the case that such conditions do not prevail throughout the day, so we can postpone classes to another hour.
The ability to swim is not necessary, every toddler must be able to swim in a lifejacket. However, we ask to report it beforehand so that the instructor can surely keep very shallow water to ensure 100% safety of the toddler:)
Yes, Puck Bay is a very safe place to learn to windsurf. A few hundred meters from the shore, the water only reaches the waist! The bottom is sandy, no stones or other hazards.
Additionally, our schools are located in unique, intimate places. There is no crowd on the water – we can provide children with peaceful and stress-free learning:)

Meet our team


Doświadczeni instruktorzy

Specjalny program dla dzieci

Kite na Mewiej Rewie

Niezatłoczony akwen

Nauka z Walkie-Talkie



Sprzęt 2015

Licencje IKO, VDWS, PZKite


Student opinions

  • positive review  Fajna atmosfera, spoko instruktorzy i dobre jedzenie a warunki sypialne w normie

    Kacper Bandoła Avatar Kacper Bandoła
    14 July 2019

    positive review  Polecam całym serduszkiem, w szkółce panuje swobodna, rodzinna atmosfera, instruktorzy zawsze służą pomocą ❤️ Super warunki do pływania i nauki - wiedza o windsurfingu przekazywana z pasją i cierpliwością ????

    Weronika Żołędziowska Avatar Weronika Żołędziowska
    4 July 2019
  • positive review  Super trenerzy i świetna baza dla początkujących i zaawansowanych !

    Jacek Radwański Avatar Jacek Radwański
    22 August 2019

    positive review  Świetna szkoła windsurfingu z pełnym wyposażeniem, super instruktorzy, na obozach jest wesoło i panuje przyjazna atmosfera. Bardzo polecam ??

    Grzegorz Leśniewski Avatar Grzegorz Leśniewski
    3 July 2019
  • 5 star review  Rewelacyjna szkoła!!! Świetne podejście do klienta. Obsługa i instruktorzy komunikatywni z pozytywnym nastawieniem, opieka nad kursantem na bardzo wysokim poziomie - pełen profesjonalizm. POLECAM w 100%. Pozdrowienia od kursanta Mateusza dla instruktora Rafała. Za rok jesteśmy na bank.

    Marcin Majcher Avatar Marcin Majcher
    24 July 2017

    positive review  Genialne miejsce, rewelacyjne szkolenia i atmosfera. Zajęcia z indywidualnym podejściem dostosowanym do umiejętności. Szczególne podziękowania i pochwała dla Cabana za rewelacyjne, ambitne szkolenie, dobre rady i zaangażowanie.

    Przemysław Bolek Avatar Przemysław Bolek
    28 August 2019
  • positive review  Było super!! Spoko atmosfera i klimacik Mati to ziomal Wpadam za rok !!

    Kuba Wiatr Avatar Kuba Wiatr
    14 July 2019

    positive review  Świetna kadra, która jest zawsze uśmiechnięta i pełna energii. Na 100% wrócę tutaj za rok!

    Ola Kwasiborska Avatar Ola Kwasiborska
    25 July 2019
  • positive review  Bardzo polecam, super kadra i świetna atmosfera ❤️

    Ola Więch Avatar Ola Więch
    14 July 2019

    5 star review  Świetna szkoła, ludzie, atmosfera. Polecam.

    Emil Chorążewski Avatar Emil Chorążewski
    5 February 2018
  • positive review  Bardzo polecam obozy z surfpoint, ponieważ jest tam świetna atmosfera, znakomita kadra trenerska i kuchnia godna polecenia. Z wielką chęcią przyjadę jeszcze raz na obóz. Gorąco polecam!!

    Michał Antkowiak Avatar Michał Antkowiak
    14 July 2019

    5 star review  Super szkoła i pozytywni ludzie. Byłam na kursie indywidualnym windsurfingu i jestem zachwycona.

    Olga Kamińska-Nowicka Avatar Olga Kamińska-Nowicka
    13 August 2016
  • 5 star review  Fajna przygoda�specjalne podziękowania dla Pawła za cierpliwość�

    Grazyna Gregorska Avatar Grazyna Gregorska
    22 September 2016

    5 star review  Maszoperia - świetne miejsce. Dobra atmosfera, profesjonalne podejście. Szczególnie polecam instruktora Łukasza- zasadniczy, rzeczowy, życzliwy, doskonale radzi sobie z kursantami dorosłymi jak i dziećmi.

    Eve No Avatar Eve No
    6 July 2015

Accommodation and location

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Only our school can stand out by having IKO and VDWS Kitesurf Center licenses.
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