Individual courses

8 hours
from PLN 339

Individual windsurfing courses for 1-3 people

Full flexibility, you surf when and how much you want!

You choose your own hours and date of arrival

We run 8, 16, and 24 hours individual windsurfing courses, which you can take in any number of days.

At any level

These courses are a package of lessons and rentals.

If you are a beginner, we will start with the first classes and if you have ever sailed on windsurfing one of our experienced instructors will tailor the course to your needs so that you make the most out of your time.

During the course we provide:

  • care of a licensed instructor
  • windsurfing equipment from the 2018/19 collection: new BIC and Starboard boards, Ezzy sails, Dakine trapeze
  • backing waistcoat
  • wetsuit for the duration of classes (free of charge when booking online)


+ If the wind conditions are not favourable or you have to cancel lessons for important reasons, we will postpone the lessons until another day. We will issue vouchers for any unused hours. These vouchers are valid indefinitely, i.e. for the entire current season and beyond.

Windsurfing is a sport for everyone

Windsurfing is a fun and relatively easy sport that does not require special physical predisposition. We like to say we can teach anyone! Our youngest windsurfers are 5 years old and there is not such a thing as upper age limit. We guarantee you will be surfing already during your first lesson and after 5 hours you will know the basic technique and you will be able to enjoy windsurfing all by yourself

Price list and bookings

In May, June and September all prices -15%!

8-hour course

  • 5 hours of individual lessons with an instructor
  • 3 hours of surfing on your own – you can polish certain elements of the technique at any time
High season

Low season – 15% off
(27.04-21.06 i 1.09-30.09)

By booking online you will receive the wetsuit for the duration of the course FREE OF CHARGE!

You will be able to use the free rental hours to improve the skills you have learned during the course with the instructor.

16-hour course

  • 10 hours of individual lessons with an instructor
  • 6 hours of surfing on your own – you can polish certain elements of the technique at any time
High season

Low season – 15% off
(27.04-21.06 i 1.09-30.09)

By booking online you will receive the wetsuit for the duration of the course FREE OF CHARGE!

24-hour course

  • 15 hours of individual lessons with an instructor
  • 9 hours of surfing on your own – you can polish certain elements of the technique at any time
High season

Low season – 15% off
(27.04-21.06 i 1.09-30.09)

By booking online you will receive the wetsuit for the duration of the course FREE OF CHARGE!

Additional information

  • If you have already had contact with windsurfing, you can continue learning by choosing any course. Of course, we will start with the level you are currently at.
  • The dates and duration of the classes are set together according to the student’s preferences:)
  • If you must cancel your lesson, we will postpone it to another day/time.
  • If you want to finish your course at another date, we will give you a voucher that is valid indefinitely.


The duration of the course depends primarily on the type of training chosen. An 8-hour course can be completed in up to 2 days (e.g. a weekend), but it can also be completed throughout the week. For a 16-hour course we recommend at least 4 days and for a 24-hour course at least 6-7 days :)
We are flexible, we adapt to your preferences and possibilities :) You decide how long and how often you want to surf. You can come e.g. only for weekends or start the course in June and finish it in September.
Generally, we follow the rule: 1 – 2 hours a day for everyone of all ages, 3 – 4 hours a day require an average physical fitness.
Chill out, the course fee includes everything you need to learn :)
We provide a complete windsurfing kit from the best manufacturers, wetsuit (i.e. a special windsurfing outfit that helps keep you warm) and a lifejacket.
About 90% of the days in season on the peninsula blows from 1 to 4 Beaufort, which is ideal for learning. We conduct training every day. There are sometimes days when the wind is too strong or too weak for people of a certain level. However, it is often the case that such conditions do not prevail throughout the day, so we can postpone classes to another time.
Necessary stuff:
• swimsuit
• towel
• UV-filter cream
• sunglasses
• hat
• ID
• clothes – something warmer is also worth taking – nights on the beach can be cool:)
• family, friends and anyone you want ;)
If you haven’t tried windsurfing yet, the best solution is, of course, to come to a windsurfing course. Under the supervision of experienced instructors and with perfectly matched equipment for your skills, weight and prevailing wind conditions, the first steps will be much easier and more pleasant:)
After a week-long group course, you will already know what equipment you need, and if you have any additional questions, e.g. which manufacturer to choose, we will be happy to provide you with such information – you can call or text us even after the season!
The atmosphere on the Hel Peninsula will quickly make you love this sport! And that’s the whole point, right?;)
Take a friend with you – you both get 5% discount
01.05.2020 – 03.05.2020
360 PLN for 12 hours of learning!
450 PLN with accommodation:)

Meet our team


Doświadczeni instruktorzy

Specjalny program dla dzieci

Kite na Mewiej Rewie

Niezatłoczony akwen

Nauka z Walkie-Talkie



Sprzęt 2015

Licencje IKO, VDWS, PZKite


Student opinions

  • 5 star review  Super Lajk dla Olka :)

    Joanna Feret Avatar Joanna Feret
    19 August 2016

    positive review  Bardzo fajny wyjazd. Super miejsce. Fajna atmosfera. Miło i fajnie. Wracam tu za rok. Polecam:)))))))))??????‍???‍♂️

    Adam Podskarbi Avatar Adam Podskarbi
    5 August 2019
  • 5 star review  Spędziłem jeden turnus na obozie surf Point , było bardzo fajnie ,miła atmosfera i dobrze zaplanowane zajęcia . Prawie nigdy mi się tu nie nudziło . Instruktorzy bardzo fajni i wyluzowani.....

    Tymon Kozioł Avatar Tymon Kozioł
    5 August 2019

    5 star review  Rewelacja - polecam wypoczynek, kursy jak i pracę w surfpoint, rodzinna atmosfera, sprzęt wysokiej klasy, spot zlokalizowany na plaży - czego chcieć więcej ?

    Sebastian Piotr Mateusz Krawczyk Avatar Sebastian Piotr Mateusz Krawczyk
    9 August 2017
  • 5 star review  Świetna szkoła, młodzież bardzo zadowolona dlatego gorąco polecamy :-D

    Marcin Rolek Avatar Marcin Rolek
    19 August 2017

    positive review  bardzo polecam to miejsce.mila obsługa, profesjonalni instruktorzy. bardzo dobry sprzęt ,miła atmosfera a co najważniejsze super zabawa.

    Grzegorz Błaszczak Avatar Grzegorz Błaszczak
    21 August 2018
  • 5 star review  Najlepszy obóz na jakim byłam! Świetna atmosfera, wyrozumiała i doświadczona kadra, różnorodne zajęcia pełne zabawy i przepyszne jedzonko!

    Magda Klein Avatar Magda Klein
    6 August 2019

    5 star review  Doskonała atmosfera i świetni instruktorzy. Polecam

    Hubert Habas Avatar Hubert Habas
    7 July 2015
  • positive review  Superpozytywnie nastawieni do życia ludzie, zarażający swoją pasją! Kompetentni instruktorzy, duży wybór sprzętu dla dzieci, polecam bardzo :)

    Monika Miszczak Avatar Monika Miszczak
    29 June 2019

    5 star review  Jak zawsze było super :D

    Maks Łudziński Avatar Maks Łudziński
    10 July 2014
  • 5 star review  Szkoła godna polecenia, fantastyczna kadra. Dziękujemy było wspaniale. Za rok wracamy do Was!

    Aldona Geisner Avatar Aldona Geisner
    27 July 2016

    5 star review  świetne miejsce, wspaniali ludzie, po prostu doskonałe warunki do nauki! polecam!

    Konrad Kowalski Avatar Konrad Kowalski
    17 August 2015
  • positive review  Cudowne obozy i wspaniała atmosfera! Dużo zorganizowanych zajec, nie ma czasu na nudę, zdecydowanie polecam ;DDDD Zdecydowanie tu wrócę!

    Ola Dudziak Avatar Ola Dudziak
    14 July 2019

    positive review  Bardzo fajna atmosfera, wspaniali ludzie i niesamowicie spędzony czas! ???

    Paweł Ponichtera Avatar Paweł Ponichtera
    4 July 2019

Accommodation and location

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Only our school can stand out by having IKO and VDWS Kitesurf Center licenses.
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