We start the 2020 season on May 1 and operate until September 27!
If you have any questions regarding lessons, courses, reservations or accommodation, please contact us, we are always happy to provide information.Maszoperia base (wind & kite & camps)
Open from 1.05 to 27.09.2020
Poseidon base (wind)
Open from 27.06 to 30.08.2020
Information about windsurfing and kitesurfing camps
SurfPoint school office
Formal information and bank account numbers
Surf Point Dorian Krzystanek
ul. Orkana 8c/46
40-553 Katowice
NIP 634-256-37-32, Regon 240290549
Bank account number:
Bank: mBank BRE Bank SA
Account number:: 50 1140 2004 0000 3202 4135 9809
For persons making a transfer from abroad:
IBAN: PL 50 1140 2004 0000 3202 4135 9809