Windsurfing kursy grupowe

Group courses

Take a friend with you – you both get 5% discount

Group course

01.05.2020 – 03.05.2020
360 PLN for 12 hours of learning!

450 PLN with accommodation:)


Windsurfing group courses

It is a very popular form of learning how to surf, known for its effectiveness and cheerful atmosphere during classes. You can take a few friends with you or join a group of people already on site. 7 days spent on the water under the supervision of our instructors, and you can be sure windsurfing will become your new passion.

The course is taught at beginner and intermediate/advanced levels. The training is divided into two rounds – morning and afternoon, each lasting 2 hours.

During some classes, we will use a video camera, which will help us to analyse your technique together and show you your progress. On the last day, you will take part in the small race, where the best will be rewarded with prizes:) We guarantee that you will spend a great and active holiday week with us!

Beginner level course programme:

  • to learn windsurfing terms and safety rules
  • balance exercises
  • principles of board steering
  • learning how to tack (turning into the wind)*
  • learning how to gybe (turning down wind)*
  • learning to swim against the wind
  • surfing with trapeze*
  • blasting*
  • beach start*
  • basic freestyle elements (helitack, helicopter, etc.) – and many, many more :)

Intermediate/advanced course programme:

  • practicing elements of the basic course
  • Polishing gybe and tack
  • Polishing trapeze swimming
  • Water start*
  • Freestyle elements
  • and many other cool exercises :)
* one of the elements to obtain a VDWS patent. Each of you can obtain such a document after the course.

During the course we provide:

  • a licensed and experienced instructor throughout the course
  • windsurfing equipment from collection 2019: Starboard/BIC boards, Ezzy sails
  • Dakine trapeze
  • lifejacket
  • wetsuit for the duration of classes (free of charge when booking online)
By booking online you will receive the wetsuit for the course FREE OF CHARGE!


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Pricelist and booking:

The course includes:

  • 24 hours of surfing lessons (2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon) in a group of 4-8 people from Sunday to Friday
  • 4 hours of equipment hire – you can practice certain elements of the technique yourself at any time (our recommendation is to use these hours on the last day of the course – on Saturday)
By booking online you will receive the wetsuit for the duration of the course FREE OF CHARGE!


Classes usually take place in two 2-hour rounds – morning and afternoon.
Chill out, the course fee includes everything you need to learn :)
We provide a complete windsurfing kit from the best manufacturers, wetsuit (i.e. a special windsurfing outfit that helps keep you warm) and a lifejacket.
About 90% of the days in season on the peninsula blows from 1 to 4 Beaufort, which is ideal for learning. We conduct training every day. There are sometimes days when the wind is too strong or too weak for people of a certain level. However, it is often the case that such conditions do not prevail throughout the day, so we can postpone classes to another time.
Thanks to special learning boards (buoyant and covered with soft foam) learning is easy and pleasant. We guarantee that you will be standing on the board and sailing with the sail in your hands during the first lesson!:)
The course is dedicated to older youth and adults. If we create several groups in a given week, we connect you so that you have your peers in the group:)
Necessary stuff:
• swimsuit
• towel
• UV-filter cream
• sunglasses
• hat
• ID
• clothes – something warmer is also worth taking – nights on the beach can be cool:)
• family, friends and anyone you want ;)

Meet our team


Doświadczeni instruktorzy

Specjalny program dla dzieci

Kite na Mewiej Rewie

Niezatłoczony akwen

Nauka z Walkie-Talkie



Sprzęt 2015

Licencje IKO, VDWS, PZKite


Student opinions

  • 5 star review  Fajne miejsce, fajni instruktorzy i bardzo fajnie wszystko tłumaczą. Robimy potężne postępy z godziny na godzinę. Jest super - polecam !

    Leszek Pępiak Avatar Leszek Pępiak
    1 May 2018

    positive review  Przemiła atmosfera, cudowni instruktorzy, gorąco polecam wszystkim pływającym oraz chętnym nowych przygód ☺️

    Emilka Zgrajka Avatar Emilka Zgrajka
    14 July 2019
  • 5 star review  najleprzy obóz na świecie

    Kuba Kociszewski Avatar Kuba Kociszewski
    18 July 2014

    positive review  Genialnie spędzone 2 tygodnie! Super atmosfera całego zespołu! Rewelacyjnie, że pomimo braku wiatru przy brzegu, pływaliśmy na Mewiej Rewie, gdzie warunki były o wiele lepsze. Dzięki Surf Point ustaliłam swój rekord w ślizgu na 100 m ?. Zaczynałam z marnymi umiejętnościami a teraz czuję, że latam/pływam/ślizgam się. Instruktor Konrad NAJLEPSZY!!!

    Agnieszka Zimoch Avatar Agnieszka Zimoch
    6 August 2019
  • 5 star review  Szkoła godna polecenia, fantastyczna kadra. Dziękujemy było wspaniale. Za rok wracamy do Was!

    Aldona Geisner Avatar Aldona Geisner
    27 July 2016

    positive review  Prześwietny obóz, bardzo polecam każdemu kto chce dobrze wypocząć i przy okazji się czegoś nauczyć. Kadra najlepsza pod słońcem(którego jest dużo).

    Jan Pron Avatar Jan Pron
    3 July 2019
  • positive review  Świetna atmosfera, pełna profeska!!! Polecam serdecznie

    Patrycja Porwańska Avatar Patrycja Porwańska
    21 July 2019

    5 star review  Świetna atmosfera i instruktorzy

    Adam Riemer Avatar Adam Riemer
    18 July 2016
  • 5 star review  Spędziłem jeden turnus na obozie surf Point , było bardzo fajnie ,miła atmosfera i dobrze zaplanowane zajęcia . Prawie nigdy mi się tu nie nudziło . Instruktorzy bardzo fajni i wyluzowani.....

    Tymon Kozioł Avatar Tymon Kozioł
    5 August 2019

    5 star review  Super szkoła, pozytywna atmosfera :)

    Marcin Rutkowski Avatar Marcin Rutkowski
    13 September 2015
  • 5 star review  Na ten moment mogę polecić Surfpoint w 100%! Efektywna nauka kitesurfingu w bardzo pozytywnej atmosferze gwarantowana :) do zobaczenia za rok!

    Marta Dąbrowska Avatar Marta Dąbrowska
    6 September 2017

    positive review  profeska, skuteczność, zaangażowana i kompetentna obsługa, dobry sprzęt, super miejscówka.

    Maciek Cylupa Avatar Maciek Cylupa
    29 August 2019
  • positive review  jak najbardziej bardzo fajnie instruktorzy dobry stan sprzętu. Bardzo fajnie

    Kacper Koszny Avatar Kacper Koszny
    20 September 2018

    positive review  Obozik gites kadra bardzo friendly instruktor Kuba to ziomal

    Mateusz Kulaszewicz Avatar Mateusz Kulaszewicz
    14 July 2019

Accommodation and location

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Only our school can stand out by having IKO and VDWS Kitesurf Center licenses.
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